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Welcome to the new forums.
These will replace the old wanted sections and allow users to interact with each other and get files they need. Also it will allow for more discussion about codeplugs and hopefully help people get more out of this site. Please share any feedback with us via the contact links on the main page so we can keep improving this site for all.

NOTE: You will have to register with this system as the older user logins are not compatible with the new forums.

User Maintenance
Basic instructions for maintaining a forum account.
User Registration
Perks and privileges to user registration.
Updating Profile
Changing your data currently on record.
Use of Cookies on MyBB
MyBB uses cookies to store certain information about your registration.
Logging In and Out
How to login and log out.

Posting, replying, and basic usage of forum.
Posting a New Thread
Starting a new thread in a forum.
Posting a Reply
Replying to a topic within a forum.
Learn how to use MyCode to enhance your posts.
